This weekend I was thinking a way to finish the last month of the year in a super positive way. First of all, I’m so thankful because during 2013 I have learned so many new things, overcame millions of fears, have studied, worked and was adventurous with my food and health in search of healing, was very loved and always held by God. Anyway, it’s been an incredible 365 days (and by that I don’t mean easy). Specifically, these last few months have been the best I've ever lived from a mental, spiritual and morale point of view. Definitely paying attention to your diet, exercise routine, giving yourself space, doing the little things you love, and venturing with activities that push you out of your comfort zone, takes you to a whole other level.
As I’ve always told you, I'm not a nutritionist, but I do investigate constantly from serious sources, seeking for any information that may help with my health needs. Which hasn’t been that great since a couple of years ago, and no traditional doctor seems to know the causes. Many times I thought it was psychological because every single time the tests came out perfect, but the symptoms were there as well. Many of them have disappeared through my lifestyle changes, but I still feel limited by certain things that give me pain and discomfort. The Romina from years ago, would've been depressed in a corner wondering, why me? probably in bed and living in a mental hole. Thank God now I see my symptoms as a challenge or puzzle, something that makes me strong and motivates me to investigate and try to solve (if that's possible), the mysteries of my body, not obsessing over it, but working little by little to my complete health and vitality. I have faith that it will come.