
Wednesday, October 2, 2013


As I mentioned earlier, I've been reading about nutrition for years because it's a subject that I'm really passionate about, but what really worked as a catalyst to take the radical decision as to change my diet and lifestyle, was to see these movies.

I remember one day sitting down to watch the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and was left so thirsty for information that I began to see these five documentaries on the same weekend one after the other. Three days later I started my first juice cleanse (of 4 days) along with my husband, and it made me feel so good that I transitioned directly to a vegetable diet (first I said I was going to go vegetarian, keeping organic eggs and fish, but my body was not being so receptive of them so I decided to leave them out completely).

Five months later I have this wonderful blog that inspires me to be better every day, I eat intuitively and I 've noticed that my body responds great to a diet full of fruits, vegetables, super foods, seeds, nuts and grains (sporadically). I stopped drinking coffee or any other stimulant, using artificial sweeteners or refined sugar, white flour, dairy, meat or gluten.

The most important thing is that the change has transformed me not only on the outside, but in my way of looking at life itself, in my broken relationship with food, how I manage my weight and love my body. In exercising because I enjoy doing it, and not forcing myself to do the same routine every day...I'm gentle with my body, I listen and change my habits as I go. I learned to give thanks, to pray, to forgive myself, to not believe everything I hear just because it comes from a doctor or because TV commercials say it is excellent or "natural". I'm a persistent detective and investigator, I love to take the reins of my life, and these documentaries provided me with that last spark I so  needed! I hope they will have the same effect on you!

Here they are

Hungry for Change:
Exposes the secrets of the American diet, weight loss products
myths, explores the "fat free" culture, sugar addiction, high fructose corn syrup damage, and how the food industry made us addicted to junk food, sodas, additives and processed flours.

I recommend that you start with this one since it definitely left me open-mouthed, as well as disgusted as how we are not seen as warm blooded individuals, but as a mass from which the major food companies take money, wihout mercy and regardless of the damage they do, not only to ourselves but to the future generations. Nobody seems to look after our best interest, so I hope that after seeing this, you are guided towards taking sensible decisions to what you put in your body and what you feed your family.


Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead:
For all those who ask me why I like to juice, here are a documentary about two men with chronic diseases, who through a prolonged juice fast (under medical supervision). They left behind their obesity, and restored their health as they never imagined. Juices changed their life, and it continues to change mine. I loved this documentary.

Watch the Movie! 

Food Matters:

 Touches all the key points to understand in a general way how our current lifestyle results in an epidemic of chronic diseases, and how a vegetable natural, organic diet, accompanied by exercise, stress management and supplements can prevent and reverse the diseases of today. It also explains how the pharmaceutical industry manipulates the way health is handled today and how medicine treats the symptoms but not the roots of disease. They also talk about Gerson therapy, which cures cancer naturally without radiation or chemotherapy (only awakening the natural mechanism of the body to self heal), and which bizarrely is illegal in many countries, including the United States.  

Something that stood out to me was this phrase: "good health makes sense, but it does not generate a lot of dollars".

I encourage you to take responsibility for your health, and through research and intuition take optimal decisions for a better quality of life.


Crazy Sexy Cancer:

It's a documentary about how the model and actress Kris Carr, after discovering she had a rare form of cancer, decides to change her processed food diet, her profession and habits to save her life. Recently she turned 10 years since diagnosed, and although the cancer still present, she had a significant reduction of her tumors and exceeded her life expectancy by a LOT. Today Kris is one of my sources of inspiration and her book Crazy Sexy Diet, along with her phenomenal sense of humor and charisma stole my heart... she is wonderful.


Forks Over Knives:
Talks about the importance of a vegetable diet to reverse and prevent disease. It provides through interesting interviews (specifically enjoyed the participation of the author of The China Study, T. Colin Campbell), how the U.S. diet has changed in recent decades due to the increased consumption of meat, sugar and dairy hand in hand with obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

It's a little slow, but I highly recommend it.


Use this weekend and try to dedicate a little time to these documentaries, remember that information is will not regret it!

Let me know in the comments below which is your favorite!

With Love,


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