
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Y me atrase un poco con el post del fin de semana peeero aqui esta! Como se han podido dar cuenta ultimamente aprovecho mucho mis fines de semana para hacer ejercicio o para ir a parques a disfrutar del buen clima que nos queda y por eso he estado no muy "glamorosa" sino mas en el lado comodo, pero bueno de eso tambien se trata... no puedo pretender que todos los dias salgo como si fuese a un cocktail...muchas veces solo quiero estar en jeans y tirarme en la grama. El viernes sali con una nueva pareja de amigos yohooo! y fuimos a cenar en un bistro super lindo en Laguna Beach y luego a tomarnos unos traguines en un bar cerca, la pase increible! El sabado nos levantamos temprano, agarramos a Lili y nos fuimos a un parque al azar a hacer picnic, el dia estaba super hermoso y este sitio estaba vacio y silencioso, me encanto. Luego nos vinimos a la casa y me puse a buscar regalitos de navidad para Save en internet. El domingo me levante y tome mi nueva super merengada de proteinas, es RAW quiere decir que todos los elementos que contiene son crudos y tienen mas nutrientes que las procesadas. Le aƱadi una banana, semillas de Chia, linaza, aceite de linaza, leche de almendras y una mini cucharada de mantequilla de almendras. Luego nos fuimos a un "trail" nuevo a hacer ejercicio en el parque regional de Salt Creek. Nunca habiamos ido a este sitio y era a la orilla de la playa. Estas son las cosas que amo de California, en cada esquina hay un lugar que te deja sin aliento.Ya en la tarde nos vinimos a la casa a poner el arbolito de navidad y vimos la pelicula "Another Earth" (interesante considerando que acaban de confirmar que descubrieron un planeta identico a la tierra) y "Donnie Darko", ya la habia visto pero me encanta y mas aun amo el soundtrack de esa pelicula. Que hicieron ustedes el fin?

Hoy probe un jugo Naked de berries, un sandwhich de pan integral con pavo (como el fin pasado) y unos chips de arroz integral y caraotas adzuki.

And I got a bit delayed with the weekend post buuut here it is! As you have noticed lately I've been spending my weekends exercising or going to parks to enjoy the nice weather that we have left and that's why I haven't been as "glamorous" but more on the comfy side; but hey! I can't pretend that everyday I go out like I'm attending a cocktail party... sometimes I just want to be in jeans and lay on the grass. On Saturday we went out on a double date with new friends yohoo! we went to have dinner at a super nice bistro in Laguna Beach and then went for drinks at a nearby bar, I had an amazing time! On Saturday we woke up early, grabbed Lili and went to a park that we chose randomly to have a picnic, the day was lovely and the place was quiet, I loved it. After that we came home and I bought a few presents on internet for Savy. On Sunday I tried my new protein shake, it's RAW which has more nutrients because it's not processed. I added chia seeds, flaxseeds, a banana, flaxseed oil, a teaspoon of almond butter and almond milk. Then we went to a Salt Creek Regional Park to exercise, it was the first time we were there and it was in front of the beach. These are the things that I love about California, in every corner there is a gorgeous place that leaves you breathless. In the afternoon we came home to arrange our Christmas tree and watched the movie "Another Earth" (interesting considering that it was just confirmed that there is a planet very similar to earth) and "Donnie Darko", which I've always loved but the soundtrack of the movie it's magic. What did you guys do on your weekend?

Lili y su amor a la calefaccion

Lentes: Rockaholic
Franela Pink Floyd: Rockaholic

Aqui les dejo mis tres canciones favoritas del soundtrack de Donnie Darko<3
Here are my three fave songs from the Donnie Darko sountrack<3

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